
“Every man lives by exchanging.” ~Adam Smith


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About .Trade

Trade is the exchange of goods and services across national borders or inside of the country.

A system or network that allows trade is called a market.

While international trade has been present throughout much of history, its economic, social, and political importance have increased in recent centuries, mainly because of Industrialization, advanced transportation, globalization, multinational corporations, and outsourcing.

Trading was the main facility of prehistoric people, who bartered goods and services from each other before the innovation of modern-day currency.

Did you know?

Around 90% of the world trade is carried by the international shipping industry. There are around 50,000 merchant ships trading internationally, transporting every type of cargo.

Apollo 11 crew had to file a Customs declaration when they returned from the moon. The cargo was declared as “moon rock and moon dust samples.”

Customs officials can check for smuggled goods inside coffins of the dead at the border.

The 30 richest countries control 82 percent of world trade, while the 49 poorest countries take just 2 percent!

The US deficit with the world is $566 billion.

More trade is essential to job creation. Around 30 million jobs in the EU depend on sales to the rest of the world.

Trade Jokes

Q: Which one of our natural resources will become exhausted first? A: The Taxpayer.

From a trader after a market crash: “This is worse than a divorce. I’ve lost half my net worth and still have a wife”

A study of markets often reveals that the perfect time to buy an asset was yesterday.

The market is weird. Every time one guy sells, another one buys, and they both think they're smart.

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